The General Presidential Election will be held on Tuesday, Nov. 6, with polls open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. With the help from Associated Students, Inc. the Fresno State campus will host a polling place in the Satellite Student Union.
There are an estimated 400 voters registered in the Fresno State “Precinct 185” (Shaw, HW168, Bullard, Cedar border, encompassing University Courtyard and Palazzo).
Voters living outside this precinct may still vote at this polling place, but will need to do so with a provisional ballot. Voters wishing to use a provisional ballot might be missing out on races in their precincts. It is recommended that voters vote at the polling location printed on their sample ballot.
Parking will be relaxed for the public in Lots P, O, and North Maple from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Registered voters outside of Fresno County are required to vote within their county of residence. Voters may turn in an absentee ballot at any polling place.
The last day to register to vote was October 22, 2012. By this date, ASI was able to register 1,775 Fresno State students