The 19th Annual Vintage Days are right around the corner starting this month on Friday, April 21 and ending Sunday, April 23! Vintage Days, Fresno State’s annual three-day festival, is the largest student-planned event on campus!
Two main ways you can be involved with Vintage Days this year; Vintage Challenge & Vintage Volunteer
1) Vintage Challenge
- Enter a team of 3-4 Fresno State students and compete for Six Flags Magic Mountain & Maya Cinemas Movie Tickets!
- Scavenger Hunt
- Photo Challenge
- Team members MUST be available the entire Vintage Days weekend, April 21-23.
- Pick up and turn in an application with your team fee of $15 in USU Room 306 by 5 p.m. Friday, April 7.
- For more information call the Student Involvement Center 559.278.2741
2) Vintage Volunteer
- Whether you – or your student’s organization members – are in need of community or volunteer hours for a class or organization, this is a fun way to earn some hours.
- Here are the areas that you can sign up for and their descriptions:
Concerts: Assisting in loading artists’ equipment in/out of the concert stage area.
Kid’s Zone: Assisting with setup and clean up of the Kid’s Zone arts and crafts area, making arts and crafts with children, and filling up and handing out balloons.
Marketing & Public Relations: Staffing information tents and handing out Vintage Press guidebooks, answering questions to event attendees about the event.
Fresno State Spotlight: Staffing the check-in table and assisting with the exhibit.
Special Events: Assist in Outdoor Movie Night setup and cleanup, and assist in Vintage Challenge activities with setup, timing, and facilitating events.
- If interested, sign up at
- Added benefits to volunteering with Vintage Days 2017:
- Free volunteer t-shirt
- Complete hours within one weekend
- Ridiculously fun!
For more information call the Student Involvement Center 559.278.2741