News Article from The Collegian by Rogue Morales
A new free Fresno State app is available to download for smartphones, complete with Fresno State news, maps and athletic schedules.
The app comes complete with a section for news, directory, maps, videos, photos, events, athletics, emergency and library.
The news option will link students to Fresno State News, The Collegian and the Bulldog Blog. Students can click on any of these links and be taken to a list of the latest news that has been published by each source. This allows students to keep up with Fresno State news at a glance.
The directory feature enables students to search professors and staff members on the go. Once the person in question is located by the app, students can access office phone numbers, professor’s emails and add the contact information to their phone with one click of a button.
For students who find themselves lost on campus or searching for a building they are unfamiliar with, there is a Google Maps feature that opens automatically to Fresno State campus. Buildings are searchable and names will appear as the search is being done. There is also a feature that shows your current location so students can see where they are in relation to their destination.
Videos and photo links are also available from the homepage of the app. The video link will take students to the Fresno State YouTube page and the photos will lead to various galleries including “Fall at Fresno State”, “Fresno State Football” and “Centennial Parade”.
The events and athletics links direct the user to a handheld version of the Fresno State events and athletic calendar, allowing students to check up on campus activities. The event activities are sorted by categories, which then appear on a calendar that allow the user to add the activities to their own phone’s calendar. The athletics link not only comes with the schedule, but a link to athletic news and rosters for each team.
An emergency link with the contact information for the Fresno State Police Department emergency line and the TipNow phone number can be found at the bottom of the homepage. This feature also shows where all the emergency phones are on campus in relation to the viewer.
The Fresno State app is searchable under “BDOG” or “Fresno State” and the icon appears as a blue icon with the Fresno State logo appearing in white writing.