Sign up to participate in the second annual Trunk-or-Treat a Stone Soup Fresno.
Stone Soup Fresno is looking for Fresno State clubs and organizations to participate in their second annual Fall Festival Trunk-or-Treat from 5 to 7:30 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 25, at the Stone Soup Fresno Campus (1345 E Bulldog Ln, Fresno, CA 93710).
Participants will be asked to host a Halloween decorated truck. Host are encouraged to dress up and provide candy to give away to children.
Stone Soup Fresno is a nonprofit 501c3 organization whose mission is “To inspire children and nurture families to realize their full potential in America.” They serve low to moderate-income children and families.
To sign up call or email Adriana Herrera at 559.224.7613 or