Hello all Fresno State Students!
Vintage Days would like to extend an invitation to all students on campus to participate in this year’s Vintage Days Tradition!
If interested, sign up at bit.ly/vdvolunteer22
Vintage Days – Fresno State’s annual three-day festival – is happening THIS MONTH (April), and as the largest student-planned event on campus – we are currently looking for fun and energetic individuals to assist us the weekend of the event!!
This year, Vintage Days will be taking place April 29, 30, and May 1 (Friday through Sunday). So if you – or your students organization members – are in need of community service or volunteer hours for a class or organization, this is a fun way to earn some hours.
Here are the areas that you can sign up for and their descriptions:
Kid’s Zone: Assisting with set up and clean up of the Kid’s Zone arts and crafts area, demonstrating and making arts and crafts with children of all ages. Assisting with line management.
Welcome & Information Booths: Staffing information tents, distributing pamphlets, and answering questions to event attendees about the event.
Vintage Days Cleanup: Helping clean up Vintage Days event – stacking tables, putting away chairs, collecting booths, etc.
Video Gaming Area: Welcoming attendees into the area and answering questions.
Added benefits to volunteering with Vintage Days 2022:
Free volunteer t-shirt
Complete hours within one weekend
Deadline to sign up to volunteer: April 21, 2022
Vintage Days Club Work Crew Opportunities 2022
Great Fundraising Opportunity
If your student organization is seeking opportunities to raise funds for the Spring 2022 term be sure to check out this opportunity. We are seeking student organizations to assist the Vintage Days team through performing job duties including traffic control, vendor check-in, trash clean-up, and more.
Each student working a shift will be paid $15.00 per hour with the final check being made out to the name of the organization represented. If your organization is interested in participating in this opportunity be sure to fill out the application at bit.ly/VDWorkCrew22
In order to be selected for a shift your organization must be officially recognized. Your organization must also have a Tax ID number to participate. Applications are due by Wednesday, April 20th at 5:00 PM! Your organization will be contacted by April 25th to let you know whether your organization has been selected to work a shift(s).
If you have any questions please contact the Student Involvement Center at 278-2741.
Student Assistant for Clubs and Organizations
Student Involvement Center, USU 306
California State University, Fresno. Phone: 559.278.2741