If you’re new to Fresno State, the first week can seem overwhelming; but have no fear, ASI is here!
ASI, or Associated Students Inc, is the official voice of the students here at Fresno State. The student-run government consists of four executive officers and 17 senators. Eight senators represent each college or school, and ten senators represent all 24,000+ students and work on areas of interest to the student body. On a daily basis, our senators work for you by advocating for better classes, services, and student life on campus.
As the official student voice of Fresno State, ASI works tirelessly to make sure that student’s opinions matter and are heard. If you’re looking for help with getting more involved with student government, community outreach, or want to talk with a student representative, stop by the University Student Union on the second floor, rooms 316 and 317.
The first senate meeting of the Fall 2017 semester is Wednesday, August 24, 2016 4:00 P.M. in USU 312-314. If you can’t make the meeting, watch live on our Facebook and Twitter.
For more information about who represents you, click on this link to visit the ASI website:
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Restaurants on campus need to provide vegan food options to the tuition paying students.
Hi Scott! Thank you for your suggestion! I will pass this along to the Senators of ASI. If you want to contact your representative about this issue directly you can click on this link here: http://www.fresnostate.edu/studentaffairs/asi/about/index.html